Home 9 Literary Archive 9 Poetry 9 Blades within

Blades within

by Antigua Koekemoer

They told me watch out for strangers
for people in the dark
They told me never walk alone
But alone you walk
Blades within

Don’t know when they started but don’t think they’ve ever stopped
Thoughts once knocked
Said they’d like to stay
started going round so many times
forgot their way out, those
Blades within

Another knock,
One more, let’s just see
And soon the strength to keep them out
becomes the strength to let one free the
Blades within

Been paddling for so long
I forgot how to swim
sinking deep
people crossing finish lines I haven’t even started
fingertips too far to reach the
Blades within

They say,
Watch out for strangers
They might sin
They might be carrying a gun
But no one ever warned me about the
Blades within

I made a mistake
I thought If you give then you get
but when your get isn’t given
words of strangers
soon become thoughts
doubt becomes truth
Blades within

They say what goes up must come down
So up you never go
After all,
Rapunzel wouldn’t have had to find her way down
If she had never climbed the castle and found the
Blades within

So you shut the door
Once and for all
Start to look around
Find the lights are dimmed
And thoughts are so loud
you can’t hear a thing about the
Blades within

They say
Watch out for strangers
They might sin
They might be carrying a gun
They might be carrying a knife
But no one ever warned me about those
Blades within