Home 9 Literary Archive 9 Poetry 9 Correspondence between Madimetja “Kulturecool” Selepe and Deon-Simphiwe

Correspondence between Madimetja “Kulturecool” Selepe and Deon-Simphiwe

18 Oct 2014


Dear Madimetja

Thank you for submitting your poem to Botsotso.
It is very exciting for us to see young people being as passionate about writing and their culture as you are. Please keep this up.

You would be pleased to know that your submission has been published on our website as it is. You may view it through the link below:


We are curious to know more about your writing journey. If you do not mind, may you kindly write back to us telling us about the following please?

What inspires you to write?
What do your friends and people around you say about your writing?
Are there any other young people in your community that write?
What do you think of our country and your culture in particular?
Why did you choose to call yourself Kulturekool?
How is life in your community? Do you have any role models?
And where do you want to see yourself in the future?

Please note that we are asking all these questions because we are inspired by your submission. Feel free to write in your home language where you want to. Nna ke bua Sesotho (S.Sotho) — Allan I was telling
Madimetja that I speak Sesotho.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,




19 October 2014

Firstly I would like to thank you for publishing my submission and its really a dream come true,

What inspires me to write?

Things that happen everyday inspires me to write, and yes there are other writes in my community like: Phahla Mogola and Boikarabelo… I write with my friend Phahla and people around us give us an honest feedback. And what I think of our country and culture in particular is where it was and how it is and where it is going because now I can do anything that I want like choosing my own career choice and showing out my talent. And now our culture is changed because teenagers (girls) disrespect their elders and the clothes that they wear such as mini dresses, show no respect to men and community as a whole.

Why did I choose to call myself kulturekool?

I chose to call myself kulturekool because I love my ”pedi” culture and I know how to communicate with old people in my community ka Sepedi gobane ke mopedi thwii. And the other thing is that teens don’t know their roots, where they come from and who are their ancestors but I do.

How is life in my community?

Life in my community is not really good or fine due to peer pressure, teen pregnancy and drug and alcohol abuse.

Do I have role models in?

Yes I do: people like Mr Mogola Phahla’s father, because his a police man and he doesn’t tolerate nonsense/dummy stuffs in our community: and my aunt as well because she’s selfless and always giving us life advices.

Where do I want to see myself in future?

I want to see myself having my own media company based in gae Limpopo and creating projects that helps the youth of our country and as the best South African poet and businessman.

Thank you.




20 October 2014

Dear Madimetja,

Thank you for taking time to write back to us.
We truly appreciate this effort. Re thagetje kudukudu motlhomphegi (I hope my Sepedi grammar is correct).

From what you told us in your previous e-mail, we find ourselves fascinated more by your perspective on life. It is for this reason we would like you to kindly tell us more about your experiences of school, community, fellow learners, teachers, syllabus and anything of interest to you. After all a conscious mind is one that can truly influence change.

Personally, I can identify with the frustrations you are experiencing towards your fellow youth. I did after all experience my own fair share of frustrations growing up in a township of Thabong in Welkom. Back then, I almost always found myself in a position where I was forced by my peers to belong to some trend of the time.

Sometimes I did become part of whatever it was that was needed of me. But sometimes I did not. And I will be honest with you Madimetja; it was not easy to reject all the pressures of my peers at times because I was just a young boy growing up. Looking back now, I wish I had had the ability to write about my experiences then. This is something I find you to be truly blessed with: you have embraced the need to write about your experiences at the right age, I think. Writing is extremely important for one growth and awareness.

I am very happy that you have found the outlet to your frustrations through writing, something I found much later in my own life, when it was more about reflecting on the past. But it was particularly liberating nonetheless, to be able to look back and free myself from all the burdens of the past. Your experience is very much encouraging though, because you are writing in the present and shaping a better youth experience not only for yourself but other young people as well. Hold on to the gift of writing and never lose it. Remember that writing will always live, thus teaching future generations about the past.

By the way, we think that you are indeed Kulture Cool. By embracing your customs, as you pointed out in your e-mail, shows others just how proud you are to be an African.

Please write back to us as requested above. But only if you are comfortable doing so. We just wish to know more about your experiences in your community and school.

Best wishes,




07 November 2014

I am attending a school that is full of teenage gangsters and teenagers who don’t consider education as a critical thing in their lives, and I’m longing to motivate them because I want all of us to pass with flying colours. but there are some other learners who are ambitious, determined, sensitive, dynamic and intending to give school work all their best, those are the learners that I engage with.

My community is full of talented people like dancers, writers, designers and soccer players and its a very well respected community and it has selfless people who always bring a change in other people’s lives.

Teachers at my school work hard everyday, trying to build a life of someone who might became a future leader and they are such an inspiration to me because they are the mothers of all the careers. They make sure that they feed us with powerful words that will give us a very beautiful picture in our minds.

My interests are about me being a good example to teens of my community and I wish I had more to give back to my primary teachers because they made sure that I know my ABC, one day I want to build a media centre over there so that my younger brothers and sisters (learners) can have internet at school and teachers have proper staff rooms. Those are my wishes.

Thank you.




Date: 9 November 2014

Dear Madimetja,

Thank you for writing back. We truly appreciate the effort and time taken. Like I said before, you are truly inspirational.

It’s great that you have identified learners that can help you spread positive motivation. Stay as committed to your course and never let go, for it is such a beautiful vision you have there. Our world certainly needs such thinkers as you.

We are happy to know that your community has talented people that are committed to making a difference, thus they also inspire others to make changes in their own lives. It is exciting to learn that your teachers have been very inspirational to you and other pupils. As you mentioned, the role played by teachers is crucial in the building lives. May they all stay committed to the invaluable service of teaching.

Dreams do come true, Madimetja. With your vision, positive outlook and commitment, you can truly realise your dreams. Remember to also be patient, for some things we want most take time before they are realised at some times. But they get realised nonetheless.

It has been truly inspirational to have this enlightening correspondence with you. We wish that many other young people have as much enthusiasm for making positive change as you are. After all you are the leaders of tomorrow as you rightfully said.

Stay inspired.

Best wishes,
