Home 9 Literary Journal 9 Volume 21 9 Volume 21 Poetry 9 Nidhi Agrawal – “Two Worlds” and “Evoke: :Invoke”

Nidhi Agrawal
“Two Worlds” and “Evoke: :Invoke”

Two Worlds

I have been looking for
The places where the rhythm of
My breezy heart is making music.
In the perceptible existence,
I find nothing.
In the inconspicuous hallucination,
I find nothing.
Just as the essence of
Lavender hides in its
Flower spikes,
I think, my heart is hiding where
The two worlds touch.


ॐ माधवाय नमः

The egg is cracked
Deep fissures are maddening
I am a contradiction now, neither manly nor womanly,
Clouds are climbing to the sky
Ready to rain on me.
These five senses are
Descending into the netherworld.

Take that neurotic mind in your hands,
Treat it with the truths only you know
Else, know this the commander of eleven thousand archers,
This prayer will turn into a howl of
Grief and death.

Nidhi Agrawal, who grew up in India, focuses on issues of emotional and physical trauma in her poetry. She strongly believes that poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder; a tool that keeps her going in life and is driven by the intense physical and emotional trauma she has encountered through her medical condition.

Nidhi’s writings have been featured by the Laurel Review, Inscape Journal, Packingtown Review, Altadena Poetry Review, Yugen Quest Review, Quadrant Australia, Girl Talk HQ, eShe Magazine, University of California, Riverside, Say it Forward, Chicago School of Arts, Lewis Clark State College’s literary journal, St. Francisco University’s journal, The Elevation Review (Kneeland Poetry Inc.), The Dillydoun Review, Xavier Review Press, the California State Poetry Society, Signal Mountain Review: The University of Tennessee, Chronogram Magazine, Letters (Yale University), Setu Journal, Spill Word Press South Asian Today, Indian Periodical, Rising Phoenix Review, Life in 10 Minutes Press, Ariel Chart, Women’s Web, Women for One, Lekh, Garland Magazine, and Muse India. She is the author of Confluence and one of the contributors to Suicide Volume 2