Home 9 Literary Archive 9 Poetry 9 Consciously Unconscious

Consciously Unconscious

by Meghan Venter

Emaciated body; distorted mind.
The rules of life dictate:
Shut up and self medicate.

Call upon a greater strength.
Magical and practical,
Majestically in control,
Umphefumulo, soul save us.

The narrative unfolds,
The world though present,
Already overcome
By ancestral sorrow.

A life, through different lenses:
Ordinary and surreal,
Thousands of dimensions,
Mundane and magnificent.

Can convictions be changed,
Archetypes overruled?
When we are turned inside out,
Beauty waits patiently inside.
To change yourself,
Do you not have to first know yourself?

Perhaps it is time
For the ball of our lives.
Instead of observing the monsters
and skeletons, and trying to hide.

Insight may cause
But surely it is better than this